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Lesson Preparation Materials

What to teach in your next lesson

Lesson order.PNG

Hickey Method
Lesson Order

Letters/sounds and "rules" to teach, with suggested clue words and exception words for each lesson

lesson plan.PNG

Lesson Plan Form
Plan the content and materials you need to teach the 7 activities of a lesson

Hickey Lesson Plan Infographic.jpg

Lesson Structure Infographic
Graphic reminder of the 7 activities of a lesson

Hickey Word List.PNG

Hickey Method Word List (comprehensive)

Word file        PDF file

500 common words.PNG

500 Most Common English Words
 sorted by Hickey lesson

modified cursive.PNG

Modified Cursive and Print Letter Forms

trace,write, sheets.PNG

"Trace, Copy, Memory, Eyes-closed" Worksheets
for learners who need extra help in learning and practicing letter formation
Install font:

Letter-writing practice lined.PNG

Letter-writing practice, lined sheets
(print: capital and lower-case)

Sky, grass and ground icon.png

Writing practice, lined sheet (sky/grass/ground) to laminate, for erasable markers. 

Sky, grass and ground larger icon.png

Writing practice, bigger lines lined sheet (sky/grass/ground) to laminate, for erasable markers. For students with more serious dysgraphia.

wh question cards bw.PNG

WH questions: Story Summary Cards 
To scaffold learners' comprehension of narrative texts

colorful WH question cards.PNG

Colorful WH question Story Summary Cards

pink rule cards Hebrew.PNG

Pink Rule Cards:
for Hebrew-speaking learners

English and Hebrew

two-sided pink cards Hebrew.PNG

Two-sided Pink Rule Cards for Hebrew-speaking learners
Hebrew only. Print flipping on short side, on pink card paper.

pink rule cards Arabic.PNG

Pink Rule Cards 
for Arabic-speaking learners

English and Arabic

Russian pink rules cards.PNG

Pink Rule Cards 
for Russian-speaking learners

English and Russian

pink rule cards Spanish.PNG

Pink Rule Cards 
for Spanish-speaking learners

English and Spanish

floss rule.png

Rule sheet for "1,1,2" pattern - doubling final consonants after 1 syllable, 1 short vowel: -ff, -ll, -ss, -ck, -zz ("floss" words) and -dge, -tch, -ch 

spelling rules cards.PNG

English Spelling Patterns cards
for more advanced learners

CVC doubling rules.PNG

Doubling rules for Words Ending in CVC
adding suffixes that start with a vowel

practicing short vowels.PNG

Practicing Short Vowel Sounds


Q&A: How can we help students remember vocabulary?

common prefixes and suffixes.PNG

Most common prefixes and suffixes

Common irr verbs by Hickey lesson.PNG

Most common Irregular Verbs in Past Simple (V2)
by Hickey lesson

english sounds and spellings.PNG

English Sounds and their Multiple Spellings
All spellings for the same sound (blue cards) in order of frequency

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